
To Watch

Titled Posts

Highlighted Passages


: Hydrangeas, England, July 2024

: Google’s decision to align itself with a government determined to strip its citizens of access …

: … trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes …

: To watch (per JC): Brief Encounters Sunset Boulevard

: To Watch: Poor Things The Sympathizer Shogun The Dark Crystal (again) The Rats of Nimh (again)

: Nine years ago I wrote 1/3 of a near-future science fiction novel. The time frame? Roughly 2024. I …

: Los Angeles, April 2024

: Home, April 2024.

: I’m happy for this guy and wish him the best, but this blurb does not mean what he or the …

: Bread, April 2024

: Putting a pin in this anti-astrology Daring Fireball post, “ECLIPSES SHOULD BE CELEBRATIONS OF …

: I’m skeptical of “101 Pieces of Advice” thingies, and this one like so many is …

: Los Angeles, March 2024

: In half-homage to a half-as-old self, I’ve been on a Justice kick. Tonight, I sat down to write and …

: Is there anything quite so audacious and relatable as a bug coming out of nowhere and flying …

: Here I thought lassitude characterized a lippy broad, but no, Webster’s 1913 be like A condition of …

: Languorous, with its long syllables and proliferation of palindromic vowels (“uorou”) has to be near …

: Finally baked some loaves I’m basically pleased with. Sourdough baking occupies this nether space …

: There are ten thousand courses and special programs and tutors that promise to help your child excel …

: Last night I was thinking about this shopping list I found twelve years ago on the back of a twenty, …

: Reading an email newsletter about AI all I can think is, Did an AI write this? My generation of …

: Damn Gene Cernan, a little mid-mission moustache and the glow of having just taken the final …

: Yasssss

: Thunder storm over Fairfax High.

: As a Californian, I’m pleased that our voting code insists on proper illocutionary acts. Can …

: Gotta hand it to him, Richard Scarry killed it with Cars and Trucks From A to Z. THIS is the transit …

: I’ve always obeyed the law: the longer it takes me to respond to your email, the brillianter and …

: Found this copied in an old notebook: Kids will devour vast amounts of garbage (and it is good for …

: My sister-in-law is a theater director, and she once told me that a common note she gives actors is: …

: Boring tech update: on desktop I use MarsEdit to post to Micro.blog and thereby to Jasperland and …

: Only just now realized that “no pun intended” is self-refuting, just like, “I’m not arguing with …

: It’s a dismal genre, but I have finally received the Worst Campaign Text Of All Time. “AI developer …

: Concept: a blog where I post a poem I like (someone else’s) every day.

: The big unexpected discovery of my late twenties was the work of fat activists. How deeply diet …

: Walking back from the playground this morning we crossed a patch of sidewalk littered with …

: Whatever happened to automatons? I want not at all the robo-cop-dog nor an “AI” customer service …

: Update on the sourdough starter: a week after switching to 1:10:10 feeding regime, I mixed up some …

: I love it when a big gang of crows flies by, banking in the wind, flapping haphazardly, full of play …

: Los Angeles, February 2024.

: As a writer, editor, and teacher, the best thing this “AI” craze has given me is a good …

: “Just remember, this is the worst that this technology is going to be from here on out.” …

: Call me a hater, but this book from Offal (“helmed by a CEO operating under the pseudonym …

: Have to say, it’s disappointing when your NBA podcast abruptly pivots to an interview with the host …

: Los Angeles, February 2024

: Ha! I have been keeping a sourdough starter going since October, but it hasn’t been lifting my bread …

: Finally some answers in the quest to understand the NYT’s Harvard obsession: One popular …

: West Hollywood, February 2024

: West Hollywood, February 2024

: Saturday morning, coffee and pancakes with the baby, window open, a chill breeze, Kind of Blue on …

: First cake of 2024, an old favorite called Ruins of a Russian Count’s Castle or торт графские …

: So much of my education as a writer of narrative has consisted of asking How do I get from here to …

: At my 33 1/3 birthday party (an excuse to buy a record player) we got back into the face-changing …

: Still life as a millennial creator who is feeling uninspired to add to the blog, the newsletter, the …

: Los Angeles, January 2024

: West Hollywood, January 2024

: Listening to Waxahatchee’s new single, her casual, understated harmonies with MJ Lenderman, I …

: The corollary to William Gibson’s famous observation that The future is already here, …

: Noyo, January 2024

: Today, remembering the greatest Words of Enlightenment ever to grace a GT’s kombucha bottle.

: Quick shoutout to the ravens in my mom’s yard who killed a gopher and now are eating it with a real …

: Mendocino, January 2024

: Noyo, January 2024

: This suspiciously well-funded NIMBY group somehow got ahold of my email address, to which they now …

: From Abortion, Every Day’s coverage of the case of Brittany Watts, an Ohio woman who was …

: “Since 2016, in the last eight years, we can identify 215 individuals that have been buried behind …

: Mendocino, January 2024

: This Colin Fraser piece from almost a year ago on ChatGPT and LLMs is up there with Ted Chang’s …

: Noyo, January 2024

: With white supremacists successfully bullying the first Black (+ 2nd female) president of Harvard …

: Concept: a tarot deck accompanied by small sculptures and sundries. Each card relates to one of the …

: A web browser but when you click on a broken link it immediately pulls in the latest working cache …

: Gualala, December 2023

: I like photos that just say one thing. Like: isn’t this shadow beautiful.

: I find myself obscurely annoyed when pedestrians, using a crosswalk over which they have …

: Fascinating to think of the ornamental hermit craze as being not just (literal) garden-variety …

: Gualala, December 2023

: Reading about the Modi regime’s hacking of journalists and opposition politicians, the story again …

: One drawback of writing with markdown is that I now often prefer the look of asterisk-on-either-side …

: Watching two police cruisers tear down our narrow street, doing 50 in a 25 with their sirens off, I …

: Writing, as I remember it, feels like this: But whenever I actually sit down to write, it feels like …

: On Finding Running Again After a career as a middling but devoted high school cross-country runner, running was one of the …

: Max Read’s stance on Harvard is right-on: “I simply do not care very much about Harvard.” Same.

: Doing extremely custom magazine layouts has a similar itch-scratchy quality to what I imagine draws …

: West Hollywood, December 2023

: You know you’re in your thirties when you’re more likely to put on an album you loved when you were …

: CEASE. FIRE. NOW. 7,500 children dead in Gaza. Six dead children for every Israeli killed in the …

: I’ve been obsessed with the Bulgarian song “Sandansko horo” for half my life now; …

: Same honestly

: How about a nice clicky T-9 keyboard that you strap to the front of your iPhone? We could even make …

: Whole wheat sourdough pancakes, fermented overnight, with a teaspoon of baking soda.

: I love the guy in the little cockpit on the back of the extra-long firetruck, with his second …

: Not to be missed: How to Build a Car That Kills People: Cybertruck Edition. I tend to look at cars …

: Just passed another of these cute little delivery robots while out for a run. It was taking up 3/4 …

: Nothing but respect for MY PRESIDENT, the naked writhing modern dance orcs that take over your room …

: Yesterday I wanted to make bread, so I mixed up some leaven. But it got cold, rose too slowly, and I …

: The worst and best part of editing articles is the need to dissolve yourself into the subject, into …

: The cheerfully awestruck tone of the hosts of the corporation-deep-dive podcast Acquired sometimes …

: “Using AI to write is like taking a moped for your morning run. It’s stupid… What AI does is it …

: We’re way too conservative around small, good ideas. (See wild success of NBA’s …

: Ten thousand is the original a hundred billion.

: This immortal faith some have that computers will eventually become advanced enough that we’ll …

: Putting a pin in Relax, Electric Vehicles Really Are the Best Choice for the Climate to send to …

: HondaLink over here giving strong “graphic design is my passion”

: Boomer climate doomerism comes down to this, I think: fear of the unknowable. Now, yes, it’s …

: On Driving a Car That Turns Itself Off Almost a month after our passenger door got crunched by a driver making an incautious right-on-red, …

: Went to a “holiday lights botanical garden” this eve. It was, as advertised, dreamlike. But after …

: A neighbor left a pile of old Gourmet magazines out on their stoop. After a few days walking by …

: High school me: There was once a genocide, a terrible aberration that must never be forgotten. …

: West Hollywood, September 2023

: My idea of the kind of dull task perfect for AI: collecting the programming schedules of all my …

: Highland Park, November 2023

: Art by my wife, 1994

: Just ran into an old post of mine about Mohsin Hamid and writing other subject positions. It …

: When I watch videos of modular synths (for instance: Benn Jordan’s video about tape delay) I …

: COVID vaccine #6, a jab in my right arm at around 4pm yesterday. This morning, arm sore, body achey. …

: There’s something so fun and frantic about working under a print deadline, realizing all the …

: Los Angeles, November 2023

: Thinking more about my previous post, I have a new, even more terrifying theory: does the PT in …

: Does the PT in PT cruiser stand for pterodactyl?

: In England do men say things like, “Myself, I’m more of a bosom man”?

: Ma-le’l Dunes, Arcata, October 2023

: Hilarious that the killer app for the “Humane Pin” is that its little camera surveils …

: My brother declares that he’s a pioneer of the digital frontier—and that I’m a digital …

: Ma-le’l Dunes, Arcata, October 2023

: In representative democracy, the votes of citizens determine the rulers. The implied question—who is …

: Our neighbor was tossing old Gourmet magazines. I took one from 2007 with a glorious moody shot of …

: Longtermism’s basic formula seems to be: short-term pain … long-term gain. The main …

: Do you want some of this? has to be one of the greatest threats of all time.

: Still bizarre how many profoundly socialist policies the NBA / NFL / MLB have so franchises stay at …

: I’m presently enjoying calling the almost magical way people with special paper (or large numbers …

: RIP to my beloved “I GOT THIS” socks. Finally had to let them go after one final washing …

: In Game of Thrones the pirate culture folks say they “paid the iron price” for stuff they took by …

: Small request: can we stop giving all of the money to the very richest people? They literally need …

: Somehow, despite being mystified by it, I never until today realized that Sufjan’s The …

: In Evan Osnos’s damning portrait of Xi-ist China he quotes the economist Xu Chenggang: In the …

: I’ve been writing long enough to know that, once I start revising, I will inevitably delete …

: Business idea: pre-selected boxes of touristy tchotchkes that you can order during your holiday, …

: Good morning power lines. Good morning trees. Good morning abandoned construction site. Good morning …

: The ongoing failure of the California and federal political systems to do away with the barbarity of …

: When I was studying Russian in college, my mind was blown to learn that just like English has a …

: “So it’s this condition, a bunch of dander, scalp-area.” “Sounds bad, what shall we call it?” “I …

: Sitting at my computer trying to funnel 10,000 details produced by 50+ people into one coherent, …

: There was this trend, the last two decades, to justify literature’s place in our lives via …

: Something tells me the publicity department behind The Eternal Audience of One by Remy Ngamije …

: Reading the essay, “Why Content is King”, and this passage trips me up: Why should people care if …

: A friend told me she traded her smart phone for a dumb one which only calls and texts. (T9, baby!) …

: Love a good webinar. Webinar. Whoever coined that one must have been like, ‘Oh yeah!’

: The sidewalks in our neighborhood in LA are overrun with cutely designed four-wheeled food delivery …

: Who is Laura Chanel

: Hydrangea, Noyo, September 2023

: Some children’s books make me feel like I just ate mushrooms.

: Pursuant to possible forthcoming leaps in VR, I’m reminded of the sweet idea my dad had a few …

: Whence the Inarticulate Enthusiasm in Early Apple Headset Users? Listening to interviews with folks who’ve tried Apple’s new VR headset (like this …

: Separating Creation and Consumption From Craig Mod in 2019: Here’s another, more subtle, point about the grace of email and …

: Stay well, San Francisco.

: Here in our corner of Los Angeles, a key local fixture is this art truck always parked on …

: Whereas bad things come in threes, and Whereas we have been treated to wall-to-wall, unceasing, …

: When I feel bad at posting, I remind myself that these other freaks have been going at it 280 …

: B. S. High, the doc about the fake Columbus high school that was really just a sketchy football …

: Watched the documentary Whirlybird expecting to learn more about the history of helicopter news …

: I spent part of tonight migrating my passwords from LastPass to 1Password and changing the passwords …

: West Hollywood, September 2023

: Easy to forget that, after a fallow period, returning to any activity—blogging, running, writing …

: All these memory-core podcast nerds be like, “That seems impressive but did you know that in …

: With AI tips like these, we may have finally reached the AI hype cycle phase where expectations are …

: If you’re looking to replace your doomscroll with a wholesomehole (?) I heartily recommend Jack …

: Bless the promotional committee that decided to brand Ukiah with the slogan, “Far Out. Nearby.” …

: In case anyone was wondering what kind of mindset inspires the leader of a group backed by a cabal …

: This dropdown from a reader survey for Matt Levine’s wonderful Money Stuff newsletter is the …

: Some universal questions in this very personal Naomi Klein essay about her morbid fascination with …

: Well, it’s been a good run with the interest+payments suspended on my student loans. I for one …

: Another Entry in the Iconic-Weirdo-Documentary Canon There’s this throwaway scene in I Love You Now Die—the documentary about the trial of Michelle …

: Delightfully dystopian scene at Home Depot: • chaotically parked forklifts in every aisle • teenage …

: Saturday was the closing of the Madam X show at Space Ten in Hawthorne. Thangka-like paintings and …

: Costco: Soviet-Style Utopia? Just finished the Acquired episode about Costco, and hearing a detailed breakdown of the business …

: I’ve never liked the way non-stainless fasteners cause redwood to streak. But these irregular, …

: A friend recommends an old book. The book is in French. A quick search reveals there are over a …

: Two months away, and within 24hrs of returning home I start rearranging furniture like a psycho: …

: Noyo, July 2023.

: Renaming Twitter to X is yet another move that I myself would have made when I was eleven. That year …

: I’ve been having lots of good ideas for things to blog about, from little tweet-length things …

: Found this in a stack of photos my grandma took. On the back it says, “We saw the fireboat.”

: I like how the house my dad built kind of looks like a shogun’s keep.

: As I listen to more Hermanos Gutiérrez, I have to say, their debut album has an almost platonically …

: My brother’s partner put on some music, and I was like, Cool, some “Wicked Games” …

: England is a country that takes its hydrangeas extremely seriously, and, you gotta hand it to them, …

: Just realized that everything they say about Scorpios, it’s actually hella true of Libras, we’re …

: I’ve decided to experiment with cross-posting image-only posts from Jasperland to Instagram. …

: Platforms may cannibalize what came before, but eventually they generate their own formats: • …

: Mendocino, August 2023

: One of my favorite things about public school classrooms is the way particularly cool print objects …

: A writer in this weekend’s workshop expressed a pet peeve against the word “that”. …

: I love writing essays and poems, but maybe it’s just because I’ve figured out how. Or …

: Great explanatory power in Talia Lavin’s latest, “The Christian Right’s Deal With …

: I have a confession. I am the “J” who recommended this story about Florida’s free …

: Grateful for “Fatphobia is the literary world’s final frontier” by Emma Copley Eisenberg. Like …

: Stroud, July 2023

: Online Search and Muscle Memory Finding things on the internet has always been one of the main problems and promises of the …

: Noyo, July 2023

: London, July 2023

: Leave behind your ego, Of superego be rid. Only bring government-issued You—unbridled, real id.

: Did I just get fat shamed by a literal PAPER BAG???

: Yesterday we drove from LA to Mendocino. Stopped in Petaluma for burritos, and noticed: more than …

: Need an LA retelling of Give a Mouse a Cookie. Give a Cop a Helicopter

: Someone fashionable spends a lot of money on clothes. Someone stylish dresses in a way that …

: West Hollywood, June 2023

: “we did it Joe”

: The three years we’ve lived in our apartment, every Saturday has featured the same event: the …

: Vanilla ice cream with stewed peach and olive oil. Eaten, of course, in the bath.

: You might think that being a writer has the occupational hazard of constant papercuts, but, …

: I love the vibe of mechanical keyboards. And, I mean, how cool that they’re back, just like film. A …

: Just realized that “passive income” and “rent-seeking” are synonyms. One is just parasitic …

: Watching Marquese Brownlee on his podcast talking about the shortcomings of FaceTime on the new …

: One of my favorite parts of the “L.A. All-Stars” show at Space Ten were a set of …

: Wow, with so many Reddit groups set to private, the internet legitimately feels smaller. (And …

: We’re lucky as a society to have Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as one of our clearest moral voices. And how …

: Last night, I finally sent out “Healing a Space,", a Lightplay about my neighborhood and …

: At last night’s opening for “L.A. All-Stars” at my favorite gallery, Space Ten, my brother got to …

: After years of following Los Feliz Daycare on Twitter, I did a full double take this afternoon at …

: The concept that aspiring writers must “write every day” has always ground my gears, but I could …

: Love this album cover, the title, and how it looks on YouTube. The music isn’t half-bad, …

: The fine art of bathmaxing.

: Pacific Design Center, viewed from West Hollywood Park during the WeHo Pride music festival, 2023.

: Like a cherry tree, I too need over a thousand chilling hours before I can produce my great gift.

: West Hollywood, June 2023

: easemax (v.), to arrange one’s life and actions in the way that ensures the easiest path and the …

: West Hollywood, May 2023

: At some point we spoonerized oatmeal into moat eel. Now every time I eat the stuff I’m …

: It’s nice to wear a hat at the museum, to keep the light out of your eyes.

: A Just Society Wouldn't Need a Sweet James When I first moved to LA, the ubiquitous billboards advertising a figure known as Sweet James …

: In order to actually practice (v.) we must develop a practice (n.). Otherwise we’re just dabbling …

: An introvert, I crave the company of friends but can wear myself out on voices, stories, …

: “Mike DeWine,” screams the German villain, gesturing wildly at the grapes, the press, …

: The siren call to write a scene where your protagonist makes spaghetti, listens to the end of a …

: Feeling affection for the 18-year-old who wrote this, justifying a briefly-updated blog. …

: It’s a pity that the most noted war criminal of my lifetime took “own feet at other end of …

: West Hollywood, May 2023.

: The distance between exposing a photo and seeing it in full resolution has been narrowing for two …

: Thoughts on Jasperland, Micro.Blog, and Writerly Psychology I’ve been feeling reflective this week—so here are a few reflections on the experience of …

: Anne Trubek in Notes from a Small Press, on her abandoned career in academia: Eighteen years later, …

: Re: 2015 travels in Tibet: The further I get from that trip, the more impressed I am by the photos …

: I re-did the Lightplay archives so each entry has a hyperlinked cover image. In doing so, I realized …

: The scariest words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to decide what …

: Santa Monica, May 2023

: Schadenfreude, n., pleasure derived from another’s misfortune. __________, n., relief derived …

: Today in megalomania: Who is the American Bohumil Hrabal? Could I?

: Just re-installed Webster’s 1913 onto the MacOS dictionary app—and it continues to absolutely …

: West Hollywood, April 2023

: West Hollywood, May 2023

: San Pedro, May 2023

: Jeet Heer in his rebuke of Harvard’s slavering embrace of post-conviction Jeffrey Epstein: …

: The only rocket ship I want is a rowboat full of arugula.

: Great article on dark online patterns that trick you into not unsubscribing. I always thought my …

: Tired: conspicuous consumption Wired: conspicuous consumption of the commons

: A chicken covering “Work” by Rihanna. (Am I telling on myself as a millennial with this joke? (Am I …

: West Hollywood

: Western Canon

: My father once told me his favorite tombstone inscription: What I am you shall become. Sort of the …

: Undoubtedly the best thing among many good things here are the simply enormous hands. But also: the …

: Introverts.

: Love these johnny-come-latelies in San Francisco wringing their hands about seeing drug users on the …

: At the bottom of an article on Yahoo News about a gang shooting in LA: a comments section full of …

: Just noticed the Botox lady’s sign is fading. It’s been up for years. Are its days numbered? How sad …

: You know you’re at the post office when the back door features a narrow letter slit. Let‘s gooooo!

: This new study on the climate impact of the LAPD and LASD helicopter fleets (famous nuisance and …

: Myrtle Beach

: “We first got together when he was a senior and I was a junior, and we got married back in 2011. …

: Reading the Odyssey, I keep feeling the phantom audience for its oral performance - can hear them …

: I’ve long felt the dichotomy between reading for status/progress/duty and reading for …

: We call meat in a tube a “hot dog” so why is tubal cheese called “string …

: This morning’s realization: shortbread is bulletproof cookie. No, wait. Now I’m hearing …

: The eternal, rhythmic challenge of falling out of routine, recognizing that, and then falling back …

: If these are the guardrails AI requires, we’re totally screwed.

: Taking four months off from writing Lightplay was a necessity—newborns take up all your time!—but it …

: “Email workflow.” You say those two words and you’ve already bored 99% of people. …

: I finally put up my essay “Night/Light” up on my website. (It went out in Lightplay last …

: Taking four months off from writing Lightplay was a necessity—newborns take up all your time!—but it …


: This disaster where a Koch daughter bought lit world power through founding+bankrolling Catapult, …

: Slugging is the new goblin mode

: Little-known fact: orange wine is just bad rosé

: A Chinese balloon! Oh nooooaauuwwrr! They are spying on us with their evil-wrought balloon!

: bought a dozen pencils at the bookstore - came home and sharpened them - now my engineering people …

: Struggling to get hooked on the next book I want to read — then, in bath, suddenly engrossed — …

: My dad just told me the rent on his first place out in the country after leaving LA, at the end of …

: I’m once again thinking of this haiku by Taneda Santōka: 141 busy pulling away at paddy weeds— …

: Sometimes the good feelings curdle. Then it’s time for solitude, and for straining emotion through …

: Reading that no one knows who exploded sections of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 undersea pipelines, I …

: I’m sorry to report that over on the bird site the …

: I’m sorry but scientists have now found “space hurricanes” that are “Over …

: Another capsicin observation: there is a specific, peculiar sensation in your mouth when it is …

: Samin Nosrat talks about “layering fat” in a dish, for instance by adding goat cheese to …

: Today’s announcement that California scientists finally achieved net-positive nuclear fusion …

: In this article about a Central Valley police chief’s breathtaking scheme to get rid of the …

: This War on Cars episode, “Muscle Car City,” explains something I have definitely observed around …

: I am a pathetic social media addict; the only solution I have found is to never log in anywhere. So …

: Was so much enjoying the Jeff Parker ETA IVtet’s Mondays at the Enfield Tennis Academy, that I …

: A poem: A friend sent this over, after a conversation about Stevens. I love the opening line, …

: A poem: – Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching (tr. Ursula K. Le Guin) How much we love to classify, to tease …

: A passage: – Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed I’m currently profiling Jean Kayira, who …

: In a clumsy attempt to get more caffeine into myself, I have begun drinking a cup of tea between my …

: My obsession with trying new software continues. The thrill of a new interface. The promise that it …

: 12:27am. In the kitchen, the cat carefully opens a cabinet drawer. Stands there, head inside. …

: For me, who just got my first smart watch, the killer feature is—unexpectedly—the moon phase …

: Pumpkin, shadow, prism.

: A few days ago, in the early morning, as I held my newborn son, I happened to look out the window to …

: The representative aspect of fiction is entirely valid, but there’s still the transgressive …

: Quit Twitter. While logging out I whispered, “Thank you.” It no longer sparked joy.

: AI v. Mortality Should you possess as your first name a goldilocks name, not ubiquitous yet not entirely obscure, …

: Gotta admit, I am curious how 10x my content production.

: This is what I mean when I say I miss smoking cigarettes.

: I will never understand why album art is almost impossible to see up close in Apple Music / Spotify. …

: Say the horse rapture actually happens. Seems inevitable we’ll pin manes and tails on cows and call …

: When have the Republicans ever fielded so many compelling candidates?

: 10-year anniversary of finding this impromptu shopping list. ✅ bank ✅ lettuce ✅ condoms

: Things looking dicey for E-David

: Acne Elf: My chosen family aren’t ‘Orcs.’ We call ourselves ‘Orucs.’ Pretty Elf: I am going to kill …

: “The Creation of Man(nequin)”


: Two weeks ago I found Dropbox had downloaded 350GB of shared team projects to my comp. Today, found …

: This is a real horse-mill definition for what should be an exciting word.

: Twitter—a haiku contest in a middle school. ‘No, mine is better!’

: Life with electric kettle. Learning its sounds. The cymballine tremble as it gets going. A long …

: Today, I “went for a run” but really jogged—first time since injuring my calf weeks ago. While out, …

: After a few weeks of posting daily, I find myself suddenly skeptical of microblogging. Who is this …

: “The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is the difference between lightning …

: Every time I get into some new piece of software, I get curious about who is heading up building it. …

: “Hobbits didn’t exist in prehistoric Middle Earth. No. Instead...let’s see, useless nomads with …

: “family time”

: In my timid return to the blasted space that is Twitter, I keep being struck by how much the …

: Just re-read @davekarpf’s great takedown of the big Bezos clock, with its “3.65 million unique …

: I'm finally closing in on a personal salsa verde recipe. Will write about it in Lightplay, but two …

: Being a vacuum really sucks. No, I am NOT being a joker. Sorry if you thought I was. I’m just …

: I’m going through a tiny book / zine phase: —saddle stitched —fewer than 30 pages —lovingly handmade …

: When my grandfather visited in 2000, he set up a space heater to keep the bathroom at 90 degrees. …

: Frolicking in the surf, getting pushed around, diving under waves, water up nose, the big susurrus, …

: “Help! I’m a bunny, you see. And I’m about to be inserted into a giant toaster. Kind friend, is …

: A few days after I delivered a ~15-minute diatribe about how astrology is BS—useful BS—but only as …

: Planners love talking about how new freeways and wider freeways “induce demand” but what’s the term …

: Love to hear rumblings of something, think it sounds like some BS, and then read an exhaustive and …

: Watching The Rings of Power, I keep wishing someone would give the show the Wizard People, Dear …

: A tack-sharp photo of my dashboard. To the license plate reading “DDDADDY”—you may have won this …

: “Who’s afraid of Virginia Wolf?” asks last remaining sheep in family targeted by notorious lupine …

: As a writer both half-seduced by and totally unable to see how to actualize the “Thousand True Fans” …

: Sure everyone, including me, a billionaire, would be safer in a society where all prospered. But …

: I’m thinking back to that moment a month ago: wife in labor, I’m driving to the hospital …

: Resisting Development, an Ambiguous Virtue Our society’s got problems, and they’re all the same problem: people who already have things are …

: “howdy pardner”

: An enchanted doorway beckons.

: Orc Fashion Icon Steals Heart We’ve been watching The Rings of Power, the new, half-billion-dollar Lord of the Rings spinoff that …

: There's a First Post for Everything For no good reason beyond proclivity, I can’t help myself but try out new software all the time. I’m …